
The blog of the Animal Acupuncture Academy, where we share free content to support the animal acupuncture community.

Is Studying Animal Acupuncture the Next Best Thing for You?

study tips Oct 02, 2023
Successful remote student


If you are here, you might wonder if studying animal acupuncture is right for you. So stay tuned, as we walk you through the ins–and-outs of studying animal acupuncture.


What Is Your Why?

If you are here, you are perhaps curious about how studying animal acupuncture can change your life.

Perhaps you’ve witnessed first-hand the effects of an acupuncture treatment on one of your own animals, and you want to be able to do the same health-changing magic on animals.

Or you are interested in studying animal holistic health, and acupuncture seems like one of the modalities that could be right up your alley.

Each one of the thousands of students that has studied with the Animal Acupuncture Academy has had their own combinations of unique personal Why’s such as:

  • I want to help animals be healthy and happy.
  • I want to use natural, holistic, non-invasive, and cooperative healing techniques.
  • I am interested in Eastern concepts of holistic medicine (I can see that everything is connected).
  • I am frustrated with the Western approach to veterinary medicine - expensive surgeries, antibiotics, anti-this or anti-that, or medications that just cover up symptoms.
  • I want to learn how to treat my own animals so I can save on vet bills.
  • I want a passion project, something that lights me up.
  • I want to start an acupuncture practice.
  • I want to add acupuncture as a valuable part of my existing business.

If you are considering studying acupuncture, now is the time to seriously consider what your Why’s could be, as these will be key to your long-term success.

Am I the Right Fit to Study Animal Acupuncture?

Here at Animal Acupuncture Academy, we are so proud to have students come from all walks of life.

In fact, it is our raison d’etre: we believe that anyone who is passionate about helping animals and learning the skills can become a great acupuncture practitioner.

Past students of the Animal Acupuncture Academy have included every kind of animal lover:

  • Career changers
  • Vet nurses
  • Retirees
  • Animal massage therapists or bodyworkers
  • Human acupuncturists
  • Nurses
  • Veterinarians
  • Teachers
  • Animal physios, osteos, or chiros
  • Pet parents
  • Animal trainers
  • Groomers
  • Horse riders
  • Plus a whole suite of animal lovers

If you have a love of animals and are interested in learning animal acupuncture, you are in the right place!


Will I Be Successful in Studying Animal Acupuncture?

We understand you might feel some trepidation about engaging in a new course of study.

In all likelihood, you are an adult learner, and you might not have studied formally for a number of years.

The good thing is, the Animal Acupuncture Academy course has been crafted, tried and tested over 39 years to successfully teach people just like you.

If you have a problem or query, we’ve likely faced it before!

We welcome you to explore our course FAQs, which are designed to help you anticipate how the AAA course is taught and whether it’s right for you.

Our FAQs and free resources cover a range of questions you might be asking yourself:

  • How much study time will I have to set aside each week? (Quick answer: 3-5 hours)
  • How long does the AAA course take to complete? (Quick answer: 12-18 months depending on how much time you dedicate each week).
  • Does the course contain enough information for me to practice acupuncture confidently for years to come? (Quick answer: Yes!)
  • Is the course industry recognised? (Quick answer: Yes, as a course graduate you can apply for professional insurance through the International Institute for Complementary Therapists)


If you still have some unanswered questions about the AAA course, don’t hesitate to reach out to our Course Director, Dr Lucie Bland, to schedule a discovery phone call.

We wish you tremendous success in your acupuncture studies!


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